Hello and welcome

This journey was to last for years, it was to take me on foot at least as far as Indonesia. But life is as unpredictable as this journey was.

Thus it led “only” 1,558 km from Euskirchen to Port de Bouc at the Mittelmmer

and on to just before Genoa.

Now I am sometimes crassly sad because I have finished this journey.

But mostly I am full of gratitude and happiness about what I have experienced and accomplished, especially that I was able to experience most of it, with my wife.

It was an unforgettable time and the very best is:

We are in the preparations of a new trip!

It will still take some time.

Unfortunately, it takes a lot of effort to make money,

but who doesn’t know that?



to dive into our experiences so far and see what happens next.

For this purpose, this page will change a bit, nothing will be lost and a lot of new things will be read.

Take a look at the menu above, under “My way” you can see the whole thing on a map.

!!! Please click on the respective picture or the headline to read the respective blog article completely !!!!

4:15 in the morning my cell phone alarm clock rang. I didn’t press snooze like I used to, I got up right away. Not in my right mind, but well programmed, I worked through all the necessary steps to get to the station on time.......

Although I could have taken my time, I only stayed for one night at each of the last campsites. Each of these places deserved to stay at least a week or two. This luxury was now finally over, because with the new job, of course,......

It cost me more and more effort to become aware of my happiness, to enjoy the remaining time. I could still drag everything out, but my nature ticks just a little strange. Once I know the ending, it’s not what I originally wanted. It is......

Here, too, I had to leave the place at 10:00 at the latest, at such places I do not have breakfast, but look for the next supermarket and so I did it here, treated myself to a pizza corner, a drinking yogurt and a juice.......

I was a little baffled by the stress the Italians were under, because I had to be out of the campground by 10:00. I didn’t want to stay longer anyway, but that does add a bit of unnecessary pressure. My path no longer led me......

Today was a moving day for me, because after a few kilometers I will leave France. The country I was afraid of, which I have learned to love and appreciate in the last months, on more than 1,000 km. Menton showed again all its magic,......

Although I had already spent seven nights at the campsite, I would have liked to stay. Of course, nothing pushes me, I could stay, but as we all know, you should go when it’s best. Since I sent a lot of stuff home in the......

Villeneuf Loubet is the name of the place and Vieille Ferme the campsite where I am right now. From the walking distance from the last place, resulted in this region where there are several campsites. And the campsite I chose because its website quickly shows......

I used one day to take the train to Nice. It was a sweet disaster day. Nice is beautiful. With a thousand alleys that make you want to walk into each one, exhibitions, restaurants, bars, stores, the beautiful seafront, the rolling hills and the steep......

I’m not explaining myself here out of a guilty conscience, but rather I want to take you along on my journey, when big decisions are coming up, into my world of thought on decision making as well. Some will understand, others will say “I would......

At 9:00 a.m. I got going. After 6 km should come a supermarket where I want to fill my food and drink supplies. After another 6 km should come a free mobile store where I want to buy a new SIM card, and after another......

The campsite in Tourrettes was great, especially quiet, so mainly quiet, so zusagen very quiet. I used the quiet rest day, as so often, in the camping chair, writing and publishing my blog. It’s really stark how much time it takes. I can’t do that......

Rested, I got up earlier than usual and was back on the road around 8:30. Thanks to yesterday’s effort, today was “only” 25 km on the list and at the end waits a campsite with shower, electricity and neighboring supermarket, I thought so running to......

With the adventures it is such a thing. You go out to experience them. Then they come, and you do not want! Because often these are borderline experiences, in which one fights for bare survival or at least for his health or well-being. Once you......

I spent two full days at the campground in Sillans de Cascades. I had planned to do a lot, but only managed a little. I wanted to rest a bit and take care of myself after the last 5 wild days, update my blog, save......

After the exciting night, I woke up surprisingly well-rested. No one came to chase me away, no rain and no thunderstorm. The sun came up, I brushed my teeth and got dressed. My feet, soaked from the day before, had shriveled up again, but every......

Cocky, I ran along the expressway straight to the supermarket, cutting 1.5 km short. At the same time, I thought to myself, why should I go around it today, when I had already walked on it for so long yesterday. It was still relatively early,......

The awakening on this meadow was idyllic, almost kitschy romantic, I enjoyed this mood. At least until I had heaved myself out of the hammock. Because then I noticed, everything was wet, because of the high grass and full of burrs. I didn’t take time......

I awoke not to the sound of the sea, but to the incessant roar of car traffic. After packing up, eating breakfast, and talking to Johanna on the phone, I dragged my truck out of the woods, across the meadow, back onto the road. There......

It was dark, countless stars in the firmament, it dawned, it became light, the sun rose, I decided the constant on/off sleep 2 on off zustellen and struggled me still quite sleepy from the hammock. Yay, survived first night in the hammock and learned never......

The motivation tank about 80% filled, I left the campsite with a crying and a laughing eye. Because on the one hand, it was, after all, paradise, which did me incredible good. On the other hand, it shrank my travel fund in no time. The......

After setting up the tent and buying 3 large bottles of drinks at the mini-market, I fell into my chair and all the emotions rolled over, as if they were fighting over wanting to have this incredibly beautiful view to themselves. Tears literally streamed to......

Around 5:30 the navi showed that I only need 1.5 h to the destination. That’s when I decided to stop at a rest area and sleep for 2 hours. So I did, at least I tried, I couldn’t push the seat back or fold the......

Renting a car worked out without any problems, I got into the started car at the rental agency, drove first to a place where there should be a campground. But, this was a fake on the openstreetmap map, which was an important and unattractive info......

Emotional hangover! We still didn’t realize all that we had accomplished, only that it was over now for the time being. Already a few days ago, when it was clear when we would reach the sea, we booked an apartment in Martiques, right next to......

Before it went out again from the idyll on the narrow, winding car road, we allowed ourselves an ice-cold soft drink at the bar to walk a little cooler on the hot road. After about a kilometer we arrived in Istres, a town that donated......

Idyllic was the awakening on this gem, after a stormy night. But that was it with positive vibrations. It was the penultimate day of our journey together, we spontaneously realized the inevitable farewell, the sun heated our tempers and we hissed at each other all......

In that campsite, I lifted my gaze, saw those beautiful mountains around us, and was filled with humility. It was a little hard to leave this place, but the thought that there are only three more running days to the Mediterranean made up for everything.......

We woke up and did what we did every morning. Instagram first, then the rest. Exactly three months ago today, our journey together started without interruptions. I shortened today’s planned 18 km by 3 km by walking on an expressway. Expressway is probably called that......

Probably this campsite slept during the day and comes to life at night. Anyway, falling asleep was a bit difficult again. Around 10:00 pm new guests arrived and chose the plot right next to us, so we had great car headlights in the tent as......

Totally exhausted we got up around 8:00, it was probably the worst sleep of our trip so far. This wooden barrel had gone all out to win a prize as the best thermal store of the year. The disposable bedding made the body sweat profusely......

Orange is a great old town. It exudes tranquility, history, coziness, while offering a lot of flair. I’ve already written about alleys, and I could do the same here, because it’s incredibly fun to meander through them. Here, I had the feeling that they go......

Well slept and woke up we left the tent already grinning. Because the first look was on a huge water slide and the second on an equally huge slide in the form of a knight’s castle on a playground. We washed and packed up our......

After a rest day it actually runs better, but here the Gradcelsiuse just rise to sunny heights. So we sweated our way the first three kilometers to the supermarket for breakfast. Breakfast for me consisted of a cold smoothie, a liter of cold cocoa and......

Inwardly cooled down, we started again the next morning. The sun once again brought its full arsenal of rays. Fortunately for us, much of the trail was shaded by trees, but the heat was still noticeable. Arrived at the campground, we were not thrilled, because......

We still enjoyed the morning at the lake before we went on our way again melancholic. This led mostly along the Rhone, which meant on the day, many kilometers dead straight out, without shade. The sun played first-person shooter with us and tried to burn......

The next day we went to the vicinity of Rochemaure. To get there we walked past a nuclear power plant. The first thing that caught my eye was a huge, beautiful graffiti on one of the cooling towers. As we got closer, we saw huge......

Five days have now passed since the last blog entry and all of those days went about the same: sweat, get up, sweat, get ready, sweat, run, sweat, break, sweat, run, sweat, arrive, sweat, cool down from the inside if possible with excessive visits to......

Except for the fact that one car’s alarm system went off twice during the night, and each time a Frenchman complained loudly about it, the 30-euro night went smoothly. The baguette we ordered was smeared with peanut butter and eaten. Then it was back to......

There were several reasons why we stopped in Valence and took a rest day. On the one hand, we used it to split the 30 km to the next campground, on the other hand, Johanna’s foot needed some rest and furthermore, there was a Decathlon......

There was no grass left on the site assigned to us, just dried up, compacted clay soil with lots of dust. So anything that gets too close to the floor immediately becomes wonderfully dirty. Yesterday’s 28 km did not go unpunished. Johanna’s yesterday’s fight laid......

Coffee and baguette with jam, in a place where you feel very comfortable, make a sensational breakfast. We also needed this one. Because we decided that we would combine the next two stages. Of course, only if that allows Johanna’s foot when reaching the first......

The daily procedure in the morning, with taking down the tent, putting it away and so on, went pretty quickly and we were on the road again. The sun shone again very fritous, but this time the landscape offered a little more shade and also......

Today our journey literally picked up speed. From the hotel we walked the 4 km to the Gare de Macon, the train station. Actually, I could have bought the tickets online or here at the vending machine, but I had no idea how much our......

The weather oracle app announced a heavy thunderstorm in the afternoon. Nevertheless, we did not want to stay in this place. Johanna would prefer to sit out the thunder, lightning and rain in a solid dwelling, but there was none here. So we made the......

Punctually at 10:00 we left our Snow White cottage, heading for Fleuerville. The sun shone again with overzealousness and the landscape offered many things but no shade. After 17 km we reached the bridge that led us to the other bank of the Saone and......

In the rain we dismantled, packed up our things, had some breakfast and set off in our rain gear. This time we had 12 km along the Saone River ahead of us. After about 2 km it stopped raining and after a little more than......

No matter how good the time is, after 5 days the bumblebees in the butt bite hard again. It feels good to finally move on. Johanna’s foot was also better, which was the most important thing, because there were 22 km to the next campsite.......

Only 12 km, but for Johanna they were like 30 km. Her foot did not get better. As we approached Chalon sur Saone, we noticed that is a somewhat larger city. We walked through high-rise housing developments, across very wide streets and crossed a large......

The next campground was called “Mare de Roy” and was only 8 kilometers away by foot. It was very hot, but we reached this and were welcomed by a very friendly woman. We walked into the reception and were immediately handed a glass of ice......

In contrast to Johanna’s anger towards me, her foot pain did not get better. Fortunately, it was “only” 10 km to the next campground in Gergy. Johanna bit her way through and we reached Gergy. Again, the reception was in the restaurant, a young woman......

The rest day deserved its name, it provided some cooling with a little thunder and some heavy rain. So it went recovered and cooled down on the next 22 km stage. Which we also managed, but Johanna had to fight hard, because her foot always,......

Pack up again and head out. The path was similar to the previous day and the sun had its fun again. Johanna announced for the first time that she had pain in her foot. This was not good news, because our feet make our journey......

You’d think early on all that stuff would be stowed away faster if you had a cottage. But this is deceptive. If you sleep in the tent, you are very careful not to unpack too much, because in the tent you have no room for......

Quarter past ten we left the campground in Heuilley, in the direction of Auxonne. It was very hot, the first kilometers were again relaxed along the “la veue bleue”. After about 8 km we went again a shortcut, but this time on solid roads, so......

The tent, I left, as long as it could stand, yet it was not yet completely dry. I was annoyed with myself for once again not coming out of the crease. I can’t describe what I’m losing all this time to, but suddenly I look......

Even though I prefer tents, it’s a great feeling to get up from a bed instead of struggling to get all the way up from a sleeping pad. There is also no need to dry the tent, take it down, pack it up with an......

The awakening in the hotel “Zum weißen Schaf” was after the beautiful evening, quite heavy. But it all helped nothing, breakfast was at 8:00 and there we are of course on time. The owner of the hotel spoke some German because he used to be......

Got up, morning toilet, tent dismantled, everything packed and off we went. First a kilometer in the opposite direction to the supermarket and then to the bakery. A totally friendly baker sold us a baguette, me an eclair and Johanna a big chocolatey brown ball.......

Since we had already made the experience from time to time that some, on the OSM map marked campsites no longer exist, I try to find out all possible info about it beforehand. Add to that the knowledge that we have to walk 33 km......

Well strengthened and relaxed, we started today’s 14 km towards Hurecourt. The weather bombastic, the landscape almost kitschy beautiful, up and down and there we were. Again we were greeted by a Dutch couple, this time a very young one. The wife spoke super German......

Knowing that today we have only 12 km to go, we left Bains les Bains very chilled. The path again led through incredibly great working landscapes. The fields were fabulously maintained in contrast to the dwellings for humans and animals. It was up and down......

Still in Sanchey we booked an apartment for Bains les Bains, since campsites are a big scarce commodity here. To shorten the way a bit, we went again off the voie bleue cross-country. If you walk off the Mosel from time to time, you also......

After Charmes, the road led towards Epinal, a larger city. But after Metz and Nancy we didn’t feel like going to the city and decided to go to a campground at Lac Bouzey (a lake). If we would follow the bike path, that would be......

We didn’t come to Nancy along the Moselle, but through the suburbs, and that’s how we left it. So we crossed Nancy from north to south on urban, congested roads. After about 12 km we met again the chosen bike path, the “voie bleue”, looked......

We stayed three nights and then moved further south, towards Nancy. The way was again wonderful, after leaving the urban we came again through the quiet, tranquil country life with its dreamlike nature. 17km we went, reached the campsite in Corny sur Mosel and spent......

The first stages in France I had to plan a bit strategically, because there was a nuclear power plant on the way, and around it, on the map, many restricted areas were marked. Since I don’t know what kind of restricted areas these are, they......

The time in Luxembourg was great and over quickly. On the last day I drove again alone to Luxemburgstadt, in order to get there, with the only hatter of the country, a replacement for my lost hat. And fortunately, in addition to the hats from......

We slept in properly, made our way to the train station to go to the capital and have breakfast first thing. The train came, I put on my mask and Johanna panicked. Since she changed jackets several times in the hotel, the mask was of......

The morning was unusual, make coffee with kettle, cozy at the table in a hut breakfast and everything was packed up pretty quickly. Almost perfect, if Johanna’s mental and physical strength had recovered overnight. But they didn’t. She was a heap of misery and did......

The awakening was heavenly, icy cold but visually a feast. Everything was full of hoarfrost, which the first rays of sunlight literally evaporated. The small river Woltz also showed its mystical, romantic side with rising water vapor. As if the sun was preparing a morning......

To spare Johanna’s nerves for the time being, and also because of the unpredictable search for a place to sleep in the steep terrain, we decided to move from campsite to campsite for the time being. So we set off early on 4/27/22, or rather......

Despite being cold, we managed to continue our way on the Vennbahn. It cost Johanna a lot of strength to keep up, but she bit through – really strong! I want to mention here again, walking through the world, that is my dream, not theirs.......

After Johanna picked me up from Sant Vith, we booked, the same day a hotel in Noordwijk (Holland) by the sea. And left for Noordwijk the very next morning for almost a week, looking forward to our time together. We both love Holland, the sea......

While I walk like this, I sometimes have the feeling that the journey is running along beside me, grinning mischievously. Instead of it spreading inside me, occupying every space, every fiber, making sure I enjoy it to the fullest, walking mindfully, playfully choosing the next......

Once again I had misjudged the moss bed, this time it was not roots, but it was a slightly harder part and a slightly softer part. During the night, the softer part became a hollow whose shape my upper body had to adapt to. Still,......

I looked closely at the route suggested by the app, because I was tired of great trails with big stones, roots, too narrow and too steep passages. As a normal hiker I love such slopes, but as someone who wants to have a good time......

Much too quickly passed the beautiful time with Johanna. A highlight was the visit to Reifferscheid Castle. I always think it’s great when you have such a great location for yourself and it was even better because the Burgcafé opened exactly on this day. In......

Full of anticipation for Johanna, I started the day. Even if with the knowledge that I, the mountain fought for with much strength and sweat to the sleeping place, runtermuss again. By the way, going downhill is also quite exhausting, especially for the knees. The......

The night was cold, but my sleeping system was great. So great that it took a lot of effort to peel myself out early on. The night itself went as thought. “Oh man, why don’t I go to sleep?” In doing so, I forgot that......

The nights were still around freezing point and Johanna asked for some more time to think. So we came to the decision that I would go off on my own for the time being. This day was difficult, or rather everything felt quite bipolar. At the......

Back home, we use the time intensively. While Johanna processes her impressions, feelings, fears and doubts, I reduce my luggage. It is with a heavy heart that I part with things. Things I really wanted to take with me. Every day I clean out and......

For many years Johanna didn’t know if she would make this trip with me, and was more likely not to. On the other hand, I wanted to do it in any case and gradually bought the things that you think you need. Among these things......

Wow, what an exciting start, what a cracking two days! Two days packed with great emotions, insights, decisions, encounters and the touch of adventure. For as long as I can remember, I’ve dreamed of that day when I set out and had imaginings of mindfully......

Only 3-4 more days, then it finally starts. Actually, I should be the happiest person because I am in THE TIME of my life. But it doesn’t feel like that at all right now. The dream is so far away. There are still so many......

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