
After Charmes, the road led towards Epinal, a larger city. But after Metz and Nancy we didn’t feel like going to the city and decided to go to a campground at Lac Bouzey (a lake). If we would follow the bike path, that would be 40 km and therefore too much for one day. So we went the first 15 km on the bike path along the Moselle and followed the normal car roads from Igney. Because there the Moselle begins to meander a huge arc, and we saved a whole 10 km by taking the direct route.

The last kilometers were a bit difficult for us. These went of course neatly uphill and by the whole Moselgelaufe, we were no longer accustomed. By calling the campground reception, I took out some of the time pressure. So we also reached this destination and checked in for 4 nights.

It is a large campground with mobile homes, space for camping cars and tents, with restaurant, mini market, washing machine and above all on the beautiful Lac de Bozey. The first two nights were a bit modest, because there were a few thirsty guys with air horns celebrating a bachelor party. But we enjoyed the time, walked around the lake, to the restaurant, where I astonished the smallest Caipirinha in the world for 7.50 € and ate a pizza Forges, which was topped with potatoes, onion and cheese, the bacon I have deselected.

We also purchased 2 pizzas from a pizza machine. Ordering something from a French vending machine is in a different league again from ordering it from a French person. Everything worked out great, only on the last question I was too perky. I ordered two vegetarian pizzas and at the last question I read “normal” or for 1.5 € more “hot”, the one picture showed a pizza and the other a pizza with three pepperoni on top, so I took one of each. The stupid thing was that what I understood by normal just meant cold and the other, was not “hot” in the sense of spicy and the pictured characters were not hot peppers but clouds of steam. So I received a cold and a hot pizza. We put them on top of each other and just plaster them as calzone or cold zone.

On the last day there was again a storm warning, and this time it looked like it, because it was storming and raining and occasionally thunderstorming. So I set up my tarp first thing in the morning so we wouldn’t have to lie in the tent all day. This was a great idea, not the perfect setup as the trees I used were a little too close, but functional. Every now and then the sun peeked by, so we got up and moved around a bit. Just at such a moment, a large branch fell from the tree and pierced the tarp like a spear.

I was scared and angry at the same time. It could have hit one of us, certainly not fatally, but quite ouch ouch. I was angry because apparently everything important just broke somehow. First the 360-degree camera, then the tent entrance often got caught in the zipper of the inner tent door, so that there were now several holes in it, which I sealed with superglue, and now the tarp, had a 20 cm long slit.

This processing was done under difficult, stormy conditions and the stitches were pulled together very tightly, so the seam appears somewhat abstract =)

I got my sewing kit, needle and star thread, cross stitched the slit hoping that would last a while and sealed it with super glue. That made me smile and think back many years. In the second grade there was the subject needlework, compulsory for girls, voluntary for boys. A couple of classmates and I joined in until we got kicked out for messing around too much. But witch stitch, cross stitch and a few other teasing things did stick. School is good for something every now and then.

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