
Despite being cold, we managed to continue our way on the Vennbahn. It cost Johanna a lot of strength to keep up, but she bit through – really strong! I want to mention here again, walking through the world, that is my dream, not theirs.

This day was great again, great weather, beautiful landscapes, only it got a bit more mountainous. What’s also really great about the Vennbahn is that where there used to be stations, really cool rest areas have been carpentered out, with normal seating, sometimes curved full-body wellness benches and multilingual information boards. So really nice!

This time there was at least a small sign, which pointed to the border crossing from Belgium to Luxembourg and so there was finally also a border sign selfie.

After 16 km we fought our way into Troisvierges, because before we were allowed in there we had to master a steep hill, up and then down again.

In town, a campground with the usual amenities of one awaited us. We allowed ourselves two nights, so one day of rest. The tent was quickly erected, the supermarket found and emptied, dinner was served and since our tent was very close to the Woltz River, we were meditatively lulled to sleep by the sound.

The next morning Johanna unfortunately also got to know the inconveniences of a campground, especially when it is cold, it is cold and that all day. Uijuijui, our nerves were once again on edge and it crashed hard. But half an hour later we loved each other again and celebrated with a midday breakfast in a warm bakery café.

In the evening we treated ourselves once the campground Italian. An incredibly funny, sympathetic host and three couples as guests, including us. It was a very nice evening, with great conversations between Belgians, Dutch and us.

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