01 Sep Adventure
With the adventures it is such a thing. You go out to experience them. Then they come, and you do not want! Because often these are borderline experiences, in which one fights for bare survival or at least for his health or well-being. Once you get through it and are safe again, you heroically remember the adventure and want to go out to adventure again.

As well as I can just sleep in the hammock, so well I could sleep, that is not perfect, but sufficient. Okay, except for the dog action. Around 9:00 p.m., a dog struck nearby and would not stop barking. I heard his owner and master talking and scolding him, but the dog did his best and infected even the dogs within earshot. At one point people were banging on pots with cutlery, I think to scare away the supposed fox. But the latter lay in his hammock and hoped that the spectacle would soon come to an end and people would not get the idea to look for the cause of the dog alarm. They didn’t and everyone was able to sleep peacefully, all except the dog, I suspect he was brought in somewhere.

When I left the small trail in the morning I saw a sign “This is private and guarded!” “Oops, sorry!” I thought and could not remember having seen such a sign at the beginning of the trail, because then I would not have stayed there in any case.
But it is what it is! And the fact is also that my journey is no longer as innocent, loose, light and carefree as it should be. Because, since Johanna is at home, it is difficult for her to be there. Before the trip, she could not imagine such a simple life on the road. Now it has sucked on the drop of freedom, has become stronger, has changed values and no longer needs this supposed security. Now, of course, we would like to travel together again as soon as possible. But it is not so easy, because the financial calculation, was as we have traveled until now. Now we need to find a way to earn some money from the road as soon as possible.
At this point I thank you very much for the comments and messages regarding this! I had already mentioned this in another post. More ideas and suggestions are always welcome!

The nature of future travel will also change. We don’t yet know how the whole thing will turn out. And exactly these considerations take up a huge part of my thoughts at the moment. So that, I am no longer on the journey I want to be on. And it’s not easy to just go home quickly, because I’m covered by my international health insurance.
In any case, the way I ran now turned out beautiful, idyllic wine-growing areas, of course with its own Chateau, great landscapes surrounded by imposing mountains. Thus I reached, after plentifully 20 km the camping place aimed at by me, against 15:00 o’clock. But it turned out that this place was only for machines and not for people, so only for camping cars. Or I could have rented a mobile home. I told the lady what I thought of it, namely that this is not a campground, but a motel with camping car parking and I do not understand why this is not clearly communicated on their own website. So did all of the 4 neighboring pseudo campsites. With a thick neck, I left this greedy, heartless place and went straight to the neighboring Lidl to grab a frusteis and figure out what to do now.

The next campsite was 42 km away, I had split this distance and marked a sleeping spot on the map after about 20 km. But 20 km was too far for today, so I wanted to run at least so far that I didn’t have 30 km ahead of me the next day. With the energy of frustration I started on the slope and was catapulted out of my planning again after about 2 km. Because of all things on my turnoff, of the 6 available, a police car stood across and the nice young policeman explained to me that this route was completely closed, because there is a forest fire there and there came also already a fire department. Wow, I want to sleep there in the forest and there is a fire somewhere. This doesn’t feel good, but somehow I have to move on.

My app showed me that the one turnoff was slightly off my path, but it was the only way to get back on my path at some point. I asked the officer if I could take this road and he said, “Yes, but please be careful!” “What is the road trying to tell me?”-thinking, I took the dirt road, which quickly became a challenging off-road experience for me and the car. Until we reached the town of Le Muy, there was asphalt again, which stretched quite a bit. But I was rewarded, with a Carefour Express, a small supermarket. There was still some liquid fuel for me there. Across the street I saw a kind of bank with ATMs, the same I already spurned once, because there was something about “recharge” and “no torn bills”. This time I observed a man withdrawing money. So I thought to myself “I still have 10 euros in cash, and here you can do everything with a card. But take the opportunity and give your wallet a hunni.” I did so and marched on, feeling the miles already run in my bones.

The road seemed to get longer and longer and time, fast, later and later. When I reached my original path I said to myself “The next suitable place to sleep you take!” But suddenly it went quite well and I even made it a little further, as planned. Here again a rest area was marked on the map, but in reality this was closed and with mounds of earth, made impassable for motorists. For me, this position was ideal. Two suitable trees for the hammock I found only quite close to the road. But what the heck, the sun had already set and in a few minutes someone turns off the lights completely.

The legs were noticeably happy to finally be carried by the hammock itself…. Then I remembered again that there is a forest fire here in the area. Although I was dead tired, but my senses goods sharpened. My eyes watched for reddish glow, my nose for smoke and my ears for the typical crackling or blazing. But the only thing my ears heard was the helicopter circling all night, definitely looking for fire spots. Twice it was so close above me that I could smell the exhaust fumes and I thought it was coming in for a landing. But the run 35 km finally ensured a good night’s sleep.

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