18 Jul All orange
Well slept and woke up we left the tent already grinning. Because the first look was on a huge water slide and the second on an equally huge slide in the form of a knight’s castle on a playground. We washed and packed up our things. The last little house before the exit was the mini market, there we wanted to have some breakfast. Unfortunately, all the baguettes were already sold out, so we looked for something else and after a few minutes the saleswoman kindly told us that new chocolate croissons were about to come out of the oven. And so we had our breakfast, fire hot chocolate croissons with ice cold drinks.
As amazed as we entered this place, so we left in again, because already after a few steps, we were from this commercial civilization oasis again in the most beautiful nature. The first highlight was a forest road with 20% gradient, today fortunately downhill.

The second highlight was not long in coming, because this road washed us to Mornas. The contrast with CapFun could not be greater. Because Mornas is a beautiful old town with narrow streets, old lovingly arranged houses and in the background a huge rock with a huge castle ruin on it.

Today’s destination is Orange, a city where we have booked an apartment for three nights. We definitely need a rest day from the sun and one to plan what to do next. The heat not only puts a strain on the body, but is also very hard on the mind.
After the first two highlights, the sun switched off all impressions and emitted only its program on UV and infrared.

There was still enough capacity to put one foot in front of the other, to navigate and yet now and then take in the sights. Like fig orchards, something I’ve never seen before.
Walking along in the sun’s delirium, we were suddenly awakened by Johanna’s cell phone ringing. An Euskirchen number, and this time she was quick enough to take the call from a journalist from the Kölner Stadtanzeiger in joyful amazement. We quickly looked for a shady spot so as not to talk any heat-picky bullshit, because we were being interviewed. It was a great conversation, the woman was very interested, suffered with my wife and rejoiced with me. It was a super great change of pace. At the same time, you feel so important, at least until you’ve taken the first few steps out of the shadows.
Predicted were 38 degrees (in the shade) under the naked sun, we ran at 46 degrees and met for reasons neither cyclists nor pedestrians. I was allowed to listen to that then also from my wife that normal people stay at home in such weather and do not move by foot through the world! The sun heated not only the air and the landscape, but also our minds. And on a long road, there’s plenty of time to let off steam. It becomes a problem when both minds are heated and since we were both dripping in survival mode, both of our minds were like whistling pressure cookers, one wrong handle and they blow up. Like almost everything, this situation also has something good in itself, because so we argued many kilometers ahead and still got along in time before the finish.
The destination, our rented apartment, as in Metz, in the middle of the old town, in the middle of the otherwise only passed through streets with restaurant, pubs and stores, even the local amphitheater is not 60 meters away.
Hopefully everything works out now, because when booking, I had quite upset and that in writing. Because after booking with booking.com first came the normal conversation with all the indications and then I was supposed to make a deposit with another provider. As I said, you do it all on the go when tempers are already running hot. But that I should deposit all my sensitive data again with another, to me completely unknown provider, although booking.com has all the data, I could not understand, honestly I would have reacted even now, cooled down and relaxed so. But we wanted the room, I dutifully donated my data, deposited the deposit and 5 minutes after we reached the address, a young woman came with the key, read and kindly instructed us. After lugging the bags and the carts up the stairs, luckily only second floor, after the sweltering walk, we were happy to have this pretty little temporary home.

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